Your Invitation to Adventure
You are already in the middle of your adventure.  This is an opportunity for you to finally wake up to it, and put fun at the centre of your life.

A unique band of adventurers will gather in Norway this July to explore direct experiences of transcendence, expansion, and awakening of their latent potential creativity.
Are you one of them?
Chances like this are few and far between.  I tend to lean more towards understatement than hyperbole, so please don't dismiss this as marketing bullshit, I'm  choosing my words carefully.  This may be your only shot at experiencing hours of direct Radical Undoing sessions in person.  If you have a genuine interest in these materials, I urge you to get involved. 

You may feel some  r e s i s t a n c e.  This is well and good.  This is not for everyone, but if you're reached this page, chances are it is for you.  Make no mistake, this is a big deal.  That's why it feels like one.  I'm not here to persuade you.  As one explorer noted:
"Got launched into something I can't describe. The doors and walls blew off my world. It feels like my life just started right now. I've been doing everything based on mental frameworks for so long.... It's all so obvious, but I'd not seen it the entire time."
I have experimented with a bunch of different approaches and techniques.  Now and then I had some interesting results, but generally transitory. 

It was not until I actually started to consistently work with the Radical Undoing methods that I realised that, unlike a lot of the bullshit out there, when you actually do it they actually fucking work.  When I started to work with the Art of NGF, things went to a whole new level.

The kind of results which I've got through the live online routes are staggering, and being physically in the same place opens up a wealth of possibilities to go even deeper.
Will griffin
This is the most effective training for evolving, enjoying, and awakening absolute appreciation in every moment you've got left.  We will be spilling the beans on the core Art of NGF teachings.  You will work with Garrett live, in-person, with a group of people who've been doing this work and expanding their lives for months and years.

Garrett daun
key profferer
Garrett has been working with these materials for a long time.

He has thrown himself without reservation into this approach to life, sorting the wheat from the chaff, evolving the methods and techniquies, creating new tools and keys, and having a blast along the way.

He is offering to teach you in-person as much as he can over this weekend.  If you've made it here to read these words, my heartfelt and sincere advice to you is to accept.
You will experiment with the Art of NGF methodology in the laboratory of your immediate experience with simple tools to:
use your body to shatter your limiting beliefs
excavate the layers of bullshit to uncover a sense of permanence
discover what you really want
directly experience yourself and your place in the universe
open a channel to the source of your creativity that will blow away your inner critic
establish daily practices of cumulative awareness
bring appreciation to every moment
annihilate the inner victim and embrace 100% juice
Places are limited to 16 people, so we can pair up and so everyone can get some one-on-one time for questions, experiments, exercises, and other adventures we've got planned for the weekend.
A beautiful location has been specially selected for your undoing, and delicious meals prepared from the best seasonal and local produce are included.  Accommodation is on site and included, as are extra large helpings of fun.

PS Let me let you into a secret...  You are on your death bed, looking back on this moment.  You are lying there breathing your last few breaths, thinking back over your life and the choices you made.  You clicked the link to this web page, you read it, you decided to turn down this experience, and you closed the browser tab.  You are dying, looking back on this moment.  Really bring yourself to it, STOP READING THIS NOW and FEEL it in your BODY..... Now: did you make the right choice?

Brought to You by Command Z and The Art of Not Giving a Fuck
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